The Wall of the Medieval City Citadel

The monument is a fragment of the citadel’s wall. The walls formed a pentahedron with sides about 150 m, which adjoined the eastern part of the city wall. The remaining sections of the wall were erected from raw bricks to a height of 10 m. The top is completed with loopholes and dents. Combat courses with a sprawling staircase are arranged in the XIX c. The tower is round, with an inner room, covered with a beam deck with an adobe coupler over the top, functioned as a buttress and as a fighting lunette.

The defensive walls of the city of Turkestan were modified: early ones are adobe, later ones are from a large adobe brick. The ditches and bridges of Turkestan fortification are lost. The remaining fragments in the town-planning structure of Turkestan correspond to the period of XVIII–XIX cc. Fragment of the wall was restored in 1980.

Source: Svod pamjatnikov istorii i kul'tury Kazahstana. T.1. Juzhno-Kazahstanskaja oblast'. – Almaty «Қazaқ jenciklopedijasy», 1994. – 368 p.