Mausoleum of Dzhuchi Khan

Mausoleum is devoted to khan Dzhuchi, the founder of the Golden Horde, the primogenitor of a dynasty of Kazakh khans. Dzhuchi (1187–1227) was the founder of the new state of Ulus of Dzhuchi, which was established in Kipchak steppes after Mongolian invasion. He was the first son of great Genghis Khan, born by the daughter of Khungirat tribe of Borte khanum.

He was strong, courageous, brave and inflexible. He was one of military leaders of the Mongolian army and took part practically in all Mongol conquest wars. He was also a founder of the Golden Horde and primogenitor of Kazakh khanate. Dzhuchi lands spread from Irtysh to the Ural Mountains and ended in the West. The headquarter was on the Irtysh River (Orda town). Consolidated Turkic-speaking tribes constituted ulus Dzhuchi and earlier were the part of Desht-i-Kypchak. When Genghis Khan distributed lands between his sons, Kazakh steppes came into possession of his firstborn Dzhuchi. He was one of few Mongolian governors having positive image of local language and customs and also was in good relations with the citizens.

Persian historian Abu Omar Minjadzh ad-Din Osman ibn Sinayd ad-Din al-Dzhuzhadzhi living in the 13th century, wrote in his book Tabanat-i-Nasiri in 1260 that «Dzhuchi khan loved the Kipchak so much that he didn’t allow Mongolian wars to offend local population in Khwarezm». Founder of the Golden

Horde, ancestor of Kazakh khans. After his death, the body was buried in Mountains Ulytau. In one of the Kazakh legends, the eldest son of Genghis Khan, Dzhuchi khan, during the hunt went far ahead from his bodyguards and engaged in the fight with furious and lame kulan (male horse).

Consequently, he died of falling from his horse The Kazakhstan sacred objects of whole national importance during the fight. This is one of versions of his death, although, detail and circumstances of his death and birth remain a mystery.

Dzhuchi Khan Mausoleum is an ancient architectural monument located on the bank of Kengir River, 50 km to the northeast from Zhezkazgan. Mysterious death of Dzhuchi khan became the reason of emergence of a legend of a Lame Kulan passed on from generation to generation. History of emergence of a song Aksak Kulan is connected with death of the famous governor of Kipchak steppe.

In the legend inconsolable Genghis Khan orders to pour melted lead into dombra by means of which he was informed of the death of the son. According to the scientist A. Margulan, great Ketbuga played his song Aksak Kulan on kobyz, it is dated the 14th century.